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The US Dollar to Argentine Peso Exchange Rate is a measure of how much one currency, the US Dollar (USD), is currently worth in terms of another currency, the Argentine Peso (ARS). The exchange rate can fluctuate for many reasons. It may change due to economic or political changes within either country; it might also be influenced by external factors such as global supply and demand.
What causes fluctuations in rates and their history?
The exchange rate between these two currencies USD to ARS, US Dollars to Argentine Peso, can fluctuate for many reasons. It may be due to economic or political changes within either country; it might also be influenced by external factors such as global supply and demand.
US Dollar To Argentine Peso Foreign Exchange Rate
The US Dollar $ is the most traded currency in Argentina with $241 billion of trade volume per day during peak times according to World Factbook statistics. This makes up around 43% of all Forex activity in the country.
According to Treasury Department data, Argentinians purchase goods worth about 16 percent from overseas suppliers using USD while people in USA buy items from Argentina with USD.
Overall, within South America USD is a very popular currency and accepted almost everywhere.
The Argentine Peso, on the other hand, only sees trade with USD at $24 billion per day. This accounts for an estimated 11% of all Forex activity in Argentina and less than half of US Dollars volume within its country.
History Of Currency Exchange Rates Between USD and ARS
In 2001, Argentinians experienced high inflation rates which led to one USD being worth more than 55 pesos by October 2002. Those who held their assets in American currencies fared well during this time period as they were able to use them freely despite hyperinflation risks; those who kept their holdings in local currency faced significant losses for a number of years.
Exchange Rates to American Dollars ( USD – $ ) from
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