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The US Dollar to Afghan Afghani exchange rate can be calculated above using our Free Currency Calculator.
This currency converter lets you see the exchange rates from USD to AFN. The most traded currencies between Afghanistan are US Dollars and Afghan Afghani, with a peak of 1 AFN = 0.00001 USD in 2017.
The history of USD to AFN exchange rates goes back to the year 2002, when it was 0.59 US Dollars to AFN.
The USD is the currency used by Afghanistan’s central bank for their monetary policy operations and financial transactions within Afghanistan and internationally.
This means that an American Dollar $ can be exchanged into Afghani as a foreign currency with this bank which has control over international trade and other economic activities inside its borders.
The best USD to Afghan Afghani conversion rate was 0.002 AFN per USD on the international market and this has been so since 2009, when it was set by a decree of finance minister Mahmood Karzai.
The US Dollar exchange rates for Afghanistan have fallen from $0.59 in 2002 to as low as $0.003 Afghani per US Dollar in 2015 after one of its central banks decided to devalue their currency which led them down into economic difficulties that they are still trying to recover from.
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